Julie M. Brown MPH, MBA ’85 is the principal of Julie M. Brown and Associates, a consulting firm established in 1997 that builds organizational capacity through leadership development, strategic planning, and workflow improvement. She uses her expertise as a former Kaiser Permanente Hospital CEO to help clients create thriving work environments where employees are engaged and systems are impactful. Prior to forming her firm, she also served as operations support services leader and assistant administrator at Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara, and as service line executive director and business development manager at Alta Bates-Herrick Hospital. Brown has spoken internationally on her research regarding successful leadership. She is particularly proud of her service on the Planned Parenthood Northern California and Health Career Connection Boards of Directors.
Secrets for success
Being a student always and appreciating that learning and knowledge come from many sources. While I’ve had fantastic C-suite mentors, wisdom from administrative assistants, housekeeping staff, inexperienced colleagues and people knowing nothing about public health have helped me navigate many professional challenges along the way. #womanofcolor, #metoo
“Berkeley moment”
Finding out our school team had the huge honor of heading to the “Final Three” Hospital Simulation Management Competition at ACHE’s National Conference in Chicago in 1984. The preliminary rounds challenged our team development capabilities, health care understandings and decision making dynamics. In Chicago we were put through the tests of business case analyses, mock community presentations, and case studies. The management team of “Random General Hospital” lived our Berkeley work norms by completing assignments in local bars, taking self-care breaks by making snow angels during a winter storm, and always having music on hand via our portable boom box. While we didn’t win, the judges spoke to our (unusual) ability to balance hard work with (a lot of) fun. We know we left quite an impression and did Berkeley proud!
Public health dream team
Surgeon General Regina Benjamin (content expertise and her courageous choices), Cecile Richards (advocate for health access and women’s control of their bodies), Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI (climate change champion, politician), former Fed Chair and Haas Emeritus Professor Janet Yellen (for expertise regarding economic policy impact on public health) and Tina Fey (to check sanctimoniousness). I’d have them jumpstart the plan and then turn things over to the future leaders of tomorrow (too numerous to mention) for revision and implementation.
Theme song while at Berkeley
“I Wanna Be Sedated” by The Ramones