Kathy Kwan MBA, MPH ’93 is a local philanthropist who directs the charitable giving for the Eustace-Kwan Family Foundation. Since its establishment in 2005, she has sought out and supported high impact programs and organizations in education, equity and inclusion, job training, and safety net sectors. In the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, Kwan has helped fund the Center for Leadership and Career Development and more than 150 MPH summer internships. She retired from Kaiser Permanente in 2004, where she held a variety of project management, consulting, and finance roles.
Secrets for success
In public health, it is impossible to be successful on your own. As I reflect on my career, I am especially thankful for the talented network of health leaders associated with the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. At critical points in my career, members of the network stepped up, advised, mentored, partnered, and opened doors for me.
“Berkeley moment”
Thank you Jeff Oxendine and the team in the Center for Public Health Practice and Leadership for providing opportunities to interact with each generation of student leaders. Each year, these talented, energized, emerging student leaders push my thinking about leadership, career development, and problem solving.