Carl N. Lester: Top-level health administrator and champion for culturally relevant environmental justice and health career programs for at-risk youth
Lynn Goldman: Transformer of chemical safety policy to protect our nation’s children
M. Adhyatma: Dedicated Minister of Health who expanded health services for the people of Indonesia
Susan Foerster: Advocator of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles worldwide
Sarah Krevans: Sutter Health President and Chief Executive Officer
Reimert T. Ravenholt: Leader in family planning and first director of USAID who transformed it into the world’s foremost international population program
Patricia B. Crawford: Scholar and marshaler of resources to confront America’s childhood obesity epidemic
Michael C. Lu: Former director of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Meredith Minkler: Pioneer of community-based participatory research who has worked with marginalized communities to help secure policies that promote health and social equity
Melanie Tervalon: Renowned health educator who pioneered the concept of cultural humility in order to transform the medical profession