In celebration of our 75th Anniversary and in recognition to their significant contributions to the field of public health, we honor these 75 alumni as our most influential of the past 75 years.
(Does not include deceased alumni).
Our alumni honorees list first includes our living Alumni of the Year since the award was established in 1978. The remaining awardees were nominated by School community members and then voted on by our faculty.
Lisa F. Berkman
Internationally recognized social epidemiologist who confronts the challenges of an aging world
Luiz Loures
Longtime advocate of international AIDS policy
Deborah Dean
Global scientist who combats ocular and sexually transmitted infections with cutting-edge translational research and diagnostics
Madhukar Pai
Disease fighter dedicated to eradicating tuberculosis in India and around the world
Nina B. Wallerstein
Developer of community-based interventions to promote health equity and knowledge democracy
Martha Ryan
Health activist who tackled an unmet need to provide homeless mothers prenatal care in San Francisco
Diana Petitti
National policy changer for preventive medicine and women’s health
Mary A. Pittman
CEO of top nonprofit who mobilizes health professionals to impact national and global public policy
Shoshanna Sofaer
1970s 1980s
National authority on patient-centered care and family engagement who evaluates health care programs
Marion Nestle
Renowned food policy expert who shapes the national conversation around food choice, nutrition, and chronic disease risk
Bonnie Duran
1980s 1990s
Health advocate who combines cultured-centered and evidence-based interventions to create innovative treatments for indigenous communities
A. Eugene Washington
Illustrious chancellor and CEO who has shaped national health policy and transformed health care practice
Garrett D. Brown
Safety maverick who challenges how globalization impacts the world’s most vulnerable workers
Judith Heumann
Renowned international advocate who advances civil rights for disabled people
Jane C. Garcia
Trailblazer of culturally appropriate clinical care in the East Bay
Michael N. Bates
1980s 1990s
Environmental health investigator dedicated to protecting our local and global environments, including workplaces, from toxic exposures
Laura Stachel
Innovative obstetrician who reduces maternal and newborn mortality by illuminating delivery rooms around the world through distribution of Solar Suitcases
Maria S. Gomez
Health activist who builds better futures for the DC area’s underserved
Barbara Staggers
Trailblazing pediatrician who has devoted her medical career to promoting teen health and encouraging diverse youth to pursue healthcare careers
Marcos Espinal
Builder of global partnerships to eradicate communicable diseases
Claire Brindis
Lifetime shaper of women and children’s health policy, mentor for next-gen leaders in health policy
Margaret H. Jordan
Upraiser of affordable, quality health care in Texas
Sarah Krevans
Sutter Health President and Chief Executive Officer
Rajiv Bhatia
Health systems innovator who pioneered the use of open data to transform public policy
Nancy Krieger
Pioneering epidemiologist who uncovers the social determinants of health
Michael E. Bird
Former APHA president dedicated to closing the healthcare gap for Native Americans
Katherine S. Pollard
Developer of cutting-edge technology to optimize precision medical treatment based on genetics
Susan Foerster
Advocator of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles worldwide
Paul English
1980s 1990s
Environmental epidemiologist who investigates the impact of pesticides, air pollution, and climate change on environmental health in California and worldwide
Reimert T. Ravenholt
Leader in family planning and first director of USAID who transformed it into the world’s foremost international population program
Sir Michael Marmot
World-renowned researcher who demonstrated the relationship of social determinants to health and mortality
Sandra Witt
Health equity advocate committed to advancing a California where everyone has the opportunities they need to be healthy
Lori Dorfman
1980s 1990s
Mobilizer of advocates to leverage the media to promote healthy public policy
Carl N. Lester
Top-level health administrator and champion for culturally relevant environmental justice and health career programs for at-risk youth
Julie M. Brown
Catalyst for creating leadership capacity and organizations that flourish
Anthony Iton
Builder of partnerships to create healthy low-income communities in California
Kate Lorig
1970s 1980s
Academic pioneer who creates community-based disease self-management programs on a global scale
Melanie Tervalon
Renowned health educator who pioneered the concept of cultural humility in order to transform the medical profession
Lawrence W. Green
Innovative designer of national health promotion programs for 5 decades and counting
Jeff Oxendine
Empowerer of the next generation of health leaders and professionals
Judith H. Hibbard
Promoter of consumer choices to improve quality of care
Richard J. Jackson
Leader who changed environments, including built environments, to protect health
Gan Quan
Saver of lives who wields tobacco control policy in China and around the world to prevent NCDs
Willi McFarland
Architect of HIV/AIDS interventions and prevention policies in San Francisco
Carol D’Onofrio
1960s 1970s
Evaluator of health programs to reduce tobacco and alcohol use among rural youth
Alex H. Kral
Reducer of infectious disease and evaluator of innovative programs for people using drugs
David R. Ragland
Transformer of transportation who spearheads traffic planning and safety analysis on behalf of vulnerable populations
Jerome Adams
Surgeon General who is leading our national fight against the opioid crisis
Henry F. Raymond
Bridger of research and practice for the benefit of populations at high risk of HIV infection
Steve Selvin
Renowned statistician who has generated breakthroughs in genetic problems, disease patterns, and environmental pollution
Marilyn Ann Winkleby
Medical detective who looks for patterns of health and disease in populations from a socioeconomic perspective
Linda Rudolph
Combater of climate change and promoter of healthy, equitable, sustainable communities
Lynn Barr
Entrepreneur devoted to raising the standard of health care in rural America
Julie Gerberding
Industry leader and former CDC director dedicated to disease prevention on a global scale
Lynn Goldman
Transformer of chemical safety policy to protect our nation’s children
M. Adhyatma
Dedicated Minister of Health who expanded health services for the people of Indonesia
Lawrence Wallack
1970s 1980s
Innovator who blends research, communication, and community to promote social justice in public health
Curtis Chan
Practitioner of the public health approach to improving the social and institutional determinants of children’s health and well-being
Moses R. Kamya
Champion of social justice and fighter of infectious diseases in Uganda
David S. Sobel
Prolific health champion who promotes patient health through research, training, writing, and the media
Michael C. Lu
Former director of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Robert A. Hiatt
Distinguished investigator of the social and environmental factors that cause cancer
Cheri A. Pies
1980s 1990s
Transformer of intergenerational health who translates theory into practice
Kathy Kwan
Philanthropist who advances job and education opportunities for the underprivileged in the Bay Area
Jennifer Ahern
Unraveler of the ways social and physical environments affect health in our communities
Bessanderson McNeil
Educator who investigated hypertension and promoted community health
Susan Desmond-Hellmann
Powerful innovator of precision public health with a lifelong mission of improving the human condition
Kirk R. Smith
Health advocate who investigates profound global impact of household air pollution and brings change on behalf of those most afflicted in developing countries
Patricia B. Crawford
1970s 1990s
Scholar and marshaler of resources to confront America’s childhood obesity epidemic
Linda Neuhauser
1970s 1980s
Designer and evaluator of large-scale health interventions, locally and globally
Nap Hosang
Tackler of global public health disparities from multiple vantage points
Meredith Minkler
Pioneer of community-based participatory research who has worked with marginalized communities to help secure policies that promote health and social equity
Margaret Lapiz
Executive, health innovator, and founder of organizations supporting California’s Latino/a and farm-working communities
Rena J. Pasick
Founder of a diversity training program that has encouraged hundreds of minority master’s students to pursue doctorates
L. Martin Griffin Jr.
Legendary environmental activist who led a revolution for land and wildlife preservation in California